Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ci Second handbook done !

Yay... finished ci handbook yesterday, but there's another handbook to be pass up end of this sem... haih... 3 books man ! The previous book cost me Rm50 ald.. Now this book cost me Rm75... Dunno how much will the next book be... The happy this is... After this sem, there's no more Ci ald! For those who dunno what Ci is, it's called corporate identity... Haha... tomorrow morning i can go collect the book then hand it in to joseph ! Sure there will be things to hear from him... But nevermind, im happy that i had done it...

Alright.. Enough of the Ci... You guys wondering why i din blog so recent nowadays? It's because i in TOA and we have TOA ( tons of assignment ) which is damn f*&king true... This sem we have 4 subjects... Ad campaign, copywritting, advance ad visual and Ci... Looks ok... but actually it's not, we have 4 subjects that have a campaign for each of them... For ad campaign... We have 2 ongoing projects to do... which we need to show him everyweek and also presentation.. Copywritting is abit free for the previous few weeks, but after this week... we need to start a campaign for this sub as well... then advance ad visuals... I need to hand in a storyboard for a tvc & another idea for the final... As for Ci was what i said... The next assignment will be the campaign... We need to finish the campaign and make another book for it...

Hmm... Dunno why... suddenly seems so easy by just telling what i have to do for this sem...
Oh ya... It's just typing... NOT doing it...

Monday, March 2, 2009

busy busy and busy

It's been 3 months that i didn't touch my blog... Normally this brings to 2 reason.. Either i'm busy or there's nothing to blog... I think this time is because I'm too damn busy... Too much assignment... It's like busying every single day including saturday and sunday... Well of cause with some rest... not just working full time... Today, I'm finally free... So damn cool... it's not really free anyway... just that there's no class tomorrow, because it's exploration week. We TOAS get to rest for one week, correction... I think just one day, tomorrow need to do CI then sent to lecturer on wednesday, thursday refine show on friday. Then other assignments... Which becomes just tonight... I went out tonight... Chilled with my friends at mamak, Missed those moments. I laughed so much today. BTW... wanna shared this few videos with you guys who are reading, really damn cool... It's from the guy that wrote the "NegarakuKU"





Cool videos for the ABC... Feel like punching that guy when i first watch it... haha...
Hope you guys enjoyed it... Oh ya.. I'm not involve in this video. So... Do not sue me for posting this video...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goodbye 2008 and HellO 2009!

Happy New Year to everyone that is reading and not reading my blog... Wanna wish you a very NEW new year where everything starts again!.. Wow... i had a wonderful year just on the holidays before today ! Wanna say thank you to all my friends that were always there for me... Thanks for all the precious memories I had... Everything will be stored in my life forever... Wishing you all have the same memories that I had also... for those that i hurt... Im really sorry... It's a new year... and a new start again...

Alright... Enough of that... Let's see what happen on the new year eve of mine... I went out at night with my friends... Went for snooker... After that, went to ta pao kfc and go to my friend's hse to play with his baby ! Wow... So damn cute and so damn fat... haha... boy, you will sure grow up to be like your father ! Here's his pict..

So CUTE !!!

Haha... Adorable!
Proud of you !

Let's talk about afternoon... Went out with jun wei... went to check his spec... Got some problem with it.. Then after that... We went to pimp my ride... haha.. That's what mengq told me... It's not busy... That's pimping your ride... But this really pimped my wallet ! Seriously... Im broke after this... Better ask me out when you're going mamak... Or ask me to bring my own water... so i don't need to use money... haha...
But seriously... I wanna thank Jun wei alot !! He gave me tha amp... If not i dont think i can install this sub also.. Thanks alot bro ! Appreciate it !

Wow.. 12inch Sub! with custom made enclosure...
It's in my sis's car now !
I now bring a club along in my car...

So that's what i did for my new year eve... Pimping my car with my wallet.... haha...
About the holiday... i did quite alot of stuff... Mostly outing and not assignments... Wow... This blog is like for the entire holiday and new year...

I installed led for the whole car during the holidays !
I thought i was broke after that... But now..
under the door
LED under the dashboard.

What i saw and remembered the most?

Which cost around 700k !!

What I was hoping to learn the most?
Did my the two academy t-shirt...
But it was a failer... Haih... it's the first one on the left...
The yellow and grey shirt is mengq's couple T..

Birthday Celebrations !!!!
Too bad... I dont have videos to show you... It's with Mengq yek's phone...
But we suprise Junwei , Joyce and Henry !
Loved all the celebrations we done for them...
Hope they will like it also...

What i enjoyed the most?
The whole holiday !