Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ci Second handbook done !

Yay... finished ci handbook yesterday, but there's another handbook to be pass up end of this sem... haih... 3 books man ! The previous book cost me Rm50 ald.. Now this book cost me Rm75... Dunno how much will the next book be... The happy this is... After this sem, there's no more Ci ald! For those who dunno what Ci is, it's called corporate identity... Haha... tomorrow morning i can go collect the book then hand it in to joseph ! Sure there will be things to hear from him... But nevermind, im happy that i had done it...

Alright.. Enough of the Ci... You guys wondering why i din blog so recent nowadays? It's because i in TOA and we have TOA ( tons of assignment ) which is damn f*&king true... This sem we have 4 subjects... Ad campaign, copywritting, advance ad visual and Ci... Looks ok... but actually it's not, we have 4 subjects that have a campaign for each of them... For ad campaign... We have 2 ongoing projects to do... which we need to show him everyweek and also presentation.. Copywritting is abit free for the previous few weeks, but after this week... we need to start a campaign for this sub as well... then advance ad visuals... I need to hand in a storyboard for a tvc & another idea for the final... As for Ci was what i said... The next assignment will be the campaign... We need to finish the campaign and make another book for it...

Hmm... Dunno why... suddenly seems so easy by just telling what i have to do for this sem...
Oh ya... It's just typing... NOT doing it...

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